MMAP Nisland, S.D. Week 3 Finished
Our MMAP trip is officially finished. Before we left, we all had lunch at the Burnt Toast Restaurant on the last day.

There is another MMAP group coming in a week from Monday for three weeks and will be finishing up the work at Nisland Independent Community Church, and we left this morning.
Of course, the spiders found us after being parked for a couple of weeks, and the grasshoppers found the webs and got caught!

But we still had lots of grasshoppers jump around our legs as we walked!
We left early enough to see deer..... one was sitting!! Which neither of us have ever seen before, but passed too quickly for a picture!! I was tempted to have Paul stop so I could run back, but knew it would be gone by then!
We are now on our way to Neligh, Nebraska for Nathan's wedding!
On our way, we stopped to visit the Pioneer Auto Museum in Murdo, South Dakota.
A VERY interesting place, with a little bit of everything, including 250 antique and classic automobiles, and tractors housed in several buildings,
and some one of a kind vehicles!
and motorcycles, one of which is still registered to Elvis,
and a 1921 motor home, which cost $16,000 to build! The couple toured the USA for three years!
Of course for us, it became a visit down memory lane: Paul pointed out the motorcycle model that he had just out of high school. His was dark blue in color, and he drove it from Redlands to San Francisco! Imagine a 12+ hour drive on this "Dream"!!

and I showed him one of the cars we had growing up, the Metropolitan; ours was a pretty green color....and my sister and I actually fit in the "back seat" (barely)!! It was mom's car, the first time we had a second vehicle!
and they even had a model of my first car, the Willys! Mine was light blue, and I was sorry to give it up. But my dad, the mechanic, thought it was time for a new one.
We lost an hour, coming back into central time, but we got as far as Valentine, just south of the South Dakota border, before stopping early enough to relax, do some laundry and enjoy the evening.