voss adventures

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Retirement is wonderful!

Time flies when you are having fun. We completed the last steps to retirement and made the big move to Tennessee!! We took three full days traveling to move, with Paul ending up in the hospital for a week on arrival! We thank all who helped and prayed for us during that time. That is the only travel we have done since July!!

So, today is Christmas day....Nap time right now for everyone! I am just now feeling like I have the time to do all of those little things that one usually puts off...like updating a blog! Since I want to keep this blog to our travel diary, there is nothing to report....between moving, hospital, mandatory taking it easy, weekly blood tests, Christmas shopping....not much time to travel anywhere even for retired folk! I will practice picture uploading and post the next interesting trip we take (maybe that museum that has a frog exhibit I read about...). So, just a reminder to check out Alicia's Axiom's (click on Aaron and Alicia) and Johnson Journal (Click on Andy and Karyn) to see our most recent grandbabies!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!