Mid Tennessee in the Fall
October has been a fun month for us! Besides friends from Julian stopping by and "Trunk or Treating" with two of our granddaughters, we are enjoying mid Tennessee in all of it's fall beauty.
We finally made good on a promise to friends in Crossville (former Julianites) to visit after arriving here two years ago.
We had been storing our RV at Nate's house, but it had rained a lot in the weeks prior to us planning on leaving. You guessed it.... we made a mess of his yard getting it out.
After our fruitless attempts, we called Geico (GREAT Insurance Co.!) for help: That is a tow truck!!
Yep, that tree did move closer to the RV!! Scary Stuff!
Now Paul wants a bigger winch for the Jeep! LOL!
Once we made it there, we had a great relaxing time. We camped at Cumberland Mountain State Park.
This park was built to provide the homesteaders a place for recreation, and jobs for those unemployed. (Below for further info. on the Homestead District)
This park bridge, spanning the Byrd Creek, is the longest unsuspended bridge in the nation. It was built in 1935-1940 by the Civilian Conservation Corp, which put young men to work on building project.
Just below the bridge is this lodge, that can be rented. We are amazed at the state parks here. They have such nice facilities, most including cabins, and restaurant.
The Hunters took us out to an area called Sequatchie Valley and treated us to lunch at the Cookie Jar Cafe and visited apple country... Beautiful, fun day...but I forgot the camera :(
Another treat was the Cumberland Playhouse, where we watched Camelot!
I took a 2-mile hike in the park one day, just had to get out and enjoy the fall colors that were magnificent! I came across a unique tree,

as well as a bridge built as a Boy Scout Eagle project in 2005.

Then I made Paul join me for another trail hike on another day, where we found another unique tree,

a suspension bridge,
and a boat dock, very popular in the summer we were told.
I do not know how good farming was in this area, given the amount of rock formations we saw!!
We also visited the Homestead District, which includes many of the homestead homes built in the depression as part of Roosevelt's New Deal. Click on the Homestead District to get details... very interesting! We toured the museum, hiking 97 steps up the look out tower,
and were rewarded with fabulous views from the top!!
and also toured one of the original homestead homes.
The guide grew up in one, and still owns it. They are small, but very unique.
Another great week on the road. We will most likely be home now for the holidays, then venture out again in 2010!!