Where are they?
Hi all, this is Karyn...Paul and Bonnie's favorite daughter (okay, okay, fine, I know, only daughter!)
Well, I decided that since I was making some "behind the scene changes" on my parents blog for them, and the fact that they won't be blogging for about 3 weeks, I figured I would leave a post letting you all know what they are up to.
My parents left about a week ago, for a 3 week trip to Louisiana. (They may go longer, who knows? I guess that is the luxury of retirement!)
They went in their Home-Away-From-Home to a camp called Tall Timber Bible Camp, and will be working with an organization called Mobile Missionary Assistance Program.
I am sure you will get more information and some pictures upon there return, but to my understanding they will mostly be repairing some of the cabins at this Bible Camp.
So keep them in your prayers and come back in a few weeks to hear all about it!
**Note to Mom: See, now you have to blog about your trip... your blog fans are awaiting! =)