Family Fun
This past couple of weeks have been busy with family. So this blog digresses from the normal travel blogging, and focuses on the grands here in TN!! Although we enjoy being close to some of our kids and grandkids, it makes us miss our kids and grandkids in California even more!!
Tennessee offers so many family friendly activities...... especially this time of year!
Hailey had a Circus-themed program at her preschool. So we joined the fun watching!

There was the Easter Egg hunt we went to with the girls at Harris Teeter in their neighborhood, which included face painting
and games. Don't you love Tegan's basket hat?
It was cold and so the turnout was not as large as they were expecting, so the girls got 135 eggs! They had over 3,000 eggs!! See Karyn's blog for more pictures.
The Easter Egg Hunt for Dogs is a new one on us.... So of course we needed to support the "grandpups"! (And the local Bark Park!)

It even included a costume contest!!
I have also been socializing and playing. I had some friends over for tea,
helped Karyn and Hailey make rice krispy bunnies for Hailey's preschool Easter party,

Then babysat while Karyn had an appointment. When it was time to leave, Tegan grabbed a bag and her Minky (blanket), and would not let go of my finger!! She was determined to go to Oma and Opa's house. So Karyn hurried and stuck extra clothes and diapers into the bag! This was her first sleepover alone, without Hailey. She colored,

had her bath,"rocky rock and story" before bed,
In the morning, she read a story to Mickey Mouse, (while watching Mickey Mouse on TV)
had fun coloring with me, then wanted to join Opa in the garage.... to color!
It took her a while to decide where to put the table; but eventually, it was right by Opa!

On a reflective note; be aware, especially as Christians, we are always being observed. We were surprised one afternoon while having our "sweet tea" at a new, local coffee shop, The Windfarm. Paul has gone for his morning coffee before, but this was the first time we had e gone in the afternoon, just on impulse (or rather God nudge maybe?). We had been there a while, reading the newspaper and talking a bit, when a young man approached us and asked us how long we had been married. He sat down, and the next question was: And how do you do it? We had a short conversation with him and were able to witness about the Lord's influence on our marriage. He was struggling in a fairly new marriage, and we know God gave us the words he needed to hear. Praise the Lord we can witness just by being where God places us.
We had a GREAT Easter celebrating the resurrection through worship at church in the morning and then spending time with family in the afternoon.
It is good to be home.... for a while anyway!
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