MMAP French Camp Week 2
Paul and Ashley had too much fun this past week with replacing windows! They thought they were finished, but the head of the maintenance came by just as they were packing up and asked about doing one more window. This window originally was going to be a sliding glass door and part of the next phase of the repairs to the house. So they spent one more day getting it out and the new one in. I tried to catch the glass coming out on camera, but this was the best shot of Paul breaking the window with the sledge hammer from inside!

The Munger House, the original project, is continuing to change each time we peek in. The main wall between the kitchen and living room is now down and they have finished rewiring to include 17 can lights in the ceiling, and will start putting in insulation and hanging sheet rock.
Normally, we work on Thursday, but the opportunity to tour the 3.5 million square foot Nissan plant in Canton, MS, on Thursday came up. It was HUGE! They produce the Quest, Titan, Armada, Altima and Infinity QX56 (the only Infinity produce in the U.S.). We met up with the MMAP group from Sweet Canaan again, and took the tour (no inside pictures were allowed).
It was really interesting. The most impressive area for both of us was the size of the presses they have that stamps the steel into shaped body panels and body parts!! The 600,000-ton stamping presses are the largest of their kind in the world!
Then we traveled about 20 miles to eat at the Cock of the Walk Restaurant! It was right on the water and it was a great meal! We had a delightful time visiting.

Friday was the last day we could check out Mississippi State University Mitchell Library. Located on the third floor is the John Grisham Room, exhibiting scripts, correspondence, posters and books.
Then the special events coordinator (who opened up the room for us) asked if we would be interested in seeing the Templeton Music Museum and Collection on the fourth floor, so we were treated to that very impressive room as well. This was one-of-a-kind collection of music machines, memorabilia, illustrated sheet music from the late 19th and early 20th century. The collection (not all on display) is home to more than 20,000 pieces of sheet music, 200 musical instruments and extensive memorabilia from the 1880-1930's. It was really interesting to see it as well.

Also on campus is an agricultural department that has produced cheese since World War II. We stopped at the cheese store and stocked up on cheese and just had to try the new peach ice cream!
After we returned we had visitors from home!! Bruce and Charles were on motorcycles, cruisin' the trace on their way south, so they stopped in to check out our work! We gave them the grand tour, enjoyed their fellowship, and caught up on home news before they continued on their journey from Tennessee to Florida!! They came, they saw, they left!

Saturday became a makeup day for us.... Paul did brickwork at the administration building,
After Paul or Ashley did the mortar work around the windows, I followed them around in the dorm section with my caulking and paint brush!! I kept catching myself being tense, so my shoulders were really sore this weekend! I continued to paint around the windows in the boys rooms and hallway, completing four today, 15 all together! Two more to go to complete the dorm hall! Then on to the caulking in the bathrooms and dorm parent residence (More pictures of the completed painting next week).
My goal was accomplished; to complete the boy's room windows before they came home from spring break. It would have been nice to have finished in the hallway as well, but I am pleased with what is done.
This past week it has been quiet with the school being on spring break, but now we have seen some staff returning. The campus should really be buzzing with people tomorrow, and church will be full again!
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