voss adventures

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Indian Springs Holiness Camp

Sometimes where we work, the history and usage of the site we are helping has been as interesting and intriguing as the sites that surround it. This camp is still known as the "Greatest Camp Meeting in the South". Its history began when, in 1889, five pastors found the property and knelt and prayed on the site. Methodism was spreading, especially in Georgia, and the revival meetings, with the tent and sawdust floors, were prevalent. The camp is evangelical, independent and nondenominational, proclaiming the Wesleyan doctrine of scriptural holiness.

I want to share a little bit of the flavor of the camp: During this time of year, it is like a ghost town with only the manager and assistant manager being on site. During the week of the camp meetings, it is entirely different, with more than 3,000 people present. There are 150 acres with a little over 200 buildings. We have learned there are several of these camps around the south that continue to be a spiritual inspiration and renewal for those who attend.

There is a variety of accommodations for the 10 days of revival meetings, including an eclectic collection of homes, dating back to the 1800's when the camp was formed. They are on land leases and must agree to be in residence during the camp session. Most are 4th and 5th generation owners!

Some are small, well kept, quaint cabins,

others small, in need of repair.

From a trailer court on the property,

to large two-story homes; this one was used in a Christian movie, "Lost and Found Family".

There are a couple of motels; this one the porch/railings were repaired/replaced by a previous MMAP crew.

And a Hotel, which has a bell that chimes every half hour, and music at noon. Makes a great atmosphere!

Then the campground, where we are parked, is available, and we have been told that besides the RV spots, it is surrounded by Tent City!

During the week we had our traditional game nights
and celebrated Rick's 65th birthday with a potluck and more games!

We are both fighting the crud, with Paul being on the downside, me on the upside. So neither of us felt well enough to go exploring in the area this weekend. It is such a beautiful day, with the temperature getting to 84! So we have enjoyed just sitting at the RV reading. We did take a walk to the 28 acre lake this afternoon, but that took all of our energy. The lake is beautiful and a very peaceful place.

It is hard to believe we are starting our third and last week here before we move back to French Camp, MS. We will continue to work on the benches, and most likely will leave some in unfinished condition for the next group of workers.


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