MMAP Week 3 Payson AZ
We are at the end of our time in Payson! It is sad to leave friends that you have made over the past month, and this group was especially cohesive. It has been a productive, and enjoyable time!
To catch up on the past week, last Saturday Paul spent catching up on maintenance on the rig....

He even installed our new toilet!! You know you are getting old when you get excited about a new toilet!!
Sunday after church we had a potluck dinner at the Kornoff's home. (They are the couple who live here in Payson.)
We had a great, relaxing time visiting. Monday before work I took the jeep in to town for a new belt, then after work, we went rock hunting. Did not take the camera, but should have. Saw some beautiful scenery as we hunted and found fossils and petrified wood!
Tuesday was an appreciation dinner from the camp, and an opportunity to take pictures while we were all dressed up, instead of pictures in our work clothes!
The ladies finished painting the original part of the house, including the living room, two bedrooms, hall, and bathroom. The master bed and bath did not get the molding painted, but all the walls were painted with two coats! The plan is for all buildings throughout the camp to be painted the same colors, Harvest Brown and Oyster White. The brown looked green with some lighting, other times yellowish or tan
The guys got their 300 sq ft cabin completed, including adding the kitchen, resetting bathroom fixtures, painting, tile, carpeting and molding.
Replacing windows (not on the list for this month) is the only thing left to do to complete the remodel on the cabin!
We finished up the week on Thursday cleaning up the cabins we were working on and getting ready for leaving.
As Paul was loading his tools in the rig, it began to snow!
At the beginning of this job it was snowing, and the very last day it snows.....looks like we need to head for a warmer place!
That seemed to go by fast! Can't believe you have already worked 2 sites!
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