voss adventures

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Westward Bound, Anadarko

Our last day at LUC, the ladies were responsible for lunch, and there was 150 lbs of potatoes that needed to be peeled, parboiled and put in plastic bags to freeze! So, we kept busy! Paul finished up the electrical work, tracing wiring, hung another light, and sealed the grout on the tile.
We all finished at 2:30, had our final meeting, picture taking and prayer circle.

We had all been invited by Ken, the director, to meet with him after dinner, and he answered a lot of questions we all had about the ranch. It was a very informative, interesting meeting, and we could tell he had a real heart for the Lord and for the work he began 27 years ago. He was asked by one of the boys during a consequence time, if anyone had called him merciful. He said no, and the boy told him no one would ever call him that! Another boy, during a consequence time, threatened him with a two by four. He continued to approach, and as they got face to face, the boy dropped the board and after a couple of hours of tears and brokenness, accepted the Lord as his Saviour. The rewards are great.
We accomplished a lot that we could actually see! The Trading Post that helps fund the ministry (a thrift store, where donations received are sold) was doubling in size, and two connecting breezeways (hallways) were built to attach a new metal building approximately 40x80 feet. Within this building, a small office was built in one corner to use for the auto sales. Apparently the state requires sale of autos and boats be kept separate from the thrift store sales. Paul was able to run electrical and phone wires, add the rubber flooring, and do the tile floor. I was able to clean at the Trading Post, paint the signs, and help in the kitchen.
We left at 9:30 AM on Friday morning, in the fog, not knowing exactly how long we were going to drive, what route to take, or where we were going to stop. Paul started driving, I got out the maps and started planning!
Our first stop on our way west is Anadarko, OK, a few miles southwest of Oklahoma City. Our campsite is in the city park, right beside a river, with this the view from our table!!

The heavy winds kept us awake, and we found out it usually is windy here... Just looking at the trees, they are twisted, broken, yet strong looking!

We put in just over 8 hours traveling, including stops. Anadarko is known as the "Indian capitol"! We were hoping to tour Indian City, but it was closed.
Several buildings in town have murals. This one was the most impressive to me... It took three pictures to get the whole mural in.

The Post Office also had several murals done by Stephen Mopope, one of the "Kiowa Five".

We also visited the Southern Plains Indian Museum, with exhibits of several tribes, and the National Hall of Fame for Famous American Indians, which was a collection of 42 busts of famous American Indians, beginning with Hiawatha. I recognized some names, such as Geronimo, Pocahontas, Sacajawea, and Will Rogers, who I did not know was Indian!

One I did not recognize, but we all should, since he gave his life for our country, was Cpl. Mitchell Red Cloud Jr.

A fitting reminder, that no matter what nationality, we should all be known as American!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the updates. Miss you guys. Looking forward to the AZ advinture.

9:54 AM  
Blogger DaveSW said...

I would like to use your photo of the Kiowa 5 mural for a fourth grade social studies publication. If possible, could you contact me at dave@studiesweekly.com?

11:45 AM  

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